Training courses for social care workers successfully completed
The implementation of the RE-HABILITATION project was evaluated at the closing event.
The first Action Plan project has been completed.
RE-BOOT project results were presented by the partners at the closing event.
The construction of the Kemence laundry building is ongoing
The institution will provide shared services to social institutions of the region.
The construction of the Ipolyszalka social institution has begun
The work area has been handed over to the building contractor in Ipolyszalka.
Zoltán Ujlaky: mentorship program fosters creation of employment
Press conference on the RE-BOOT project.
Szilvia Cagala: the construction of social institution in Salka will begin soon
Press conference on the RE-STRUCURE project.
Gyöngyi Ferencz: 32 places will be created for nursing the elderly in Szob
Press conference on the RE-STRUCURE project.
Tibor Csenger: our goal is to find solutions to the problems of the region
A press conference on the RE-START action plan was held by organizations undertaking the project.
RE-START is a tool of reinvigoration in the region
A press conference on the RE-START action plan was held by organizations undertaking the project.
Consultation in Bernecebaráti about the RESTART action plan
The staff of Pontibus ETT held a consultation about the project elements to be implemented in Bernecebaráti.
Consultations have started about social caregiver training
In the framework of the RE-HABILITATION project, cross-border social caregiver training is implemented.
Consultation about the expansion of the Ipolyszalka Country House
We held a consultation about the expansion of the Ipolyszalka Country House that will be implemented in the RE-CREATION project.
The tender procedure for the MobilLAB examination bus has been completed
The screening bus to be obtained within the RE-BOOT project will allow for widespread diagnostic examinations for regional residence.
A mentor program for the reintegration of workers to the labor market
The mentoring tasks will be carried out by the Szob District Family and Child Welfare Center.
Construction will soon begin on the Szob retirement home
The Local Government of Szob will implement the development with a budget of 539 thousand euros within the framework of the RESTART action plan coordinated by Pontibus ETT.
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