

Project ID: SKHU/1802/3.1/040
Duration of the Project: 1 March 2022 – 30 September 2023

The RE-BIRTH project aims to provide new perspectives in the lives of older people in the region. Recreational and community-building opportunities in the target area are rather limited. To overcome these gaps, the REBIRTH project will implement the following activities in 2022-2023: 

  • knowledge transfer for young people (expected to take place in 9 sessions): weaving demonstrations, strudel baking, lángos, jam making, cornstalk weaving, gingerbread baking and preparing different oven-baked dishes, carnival traditions, doughnut making;
  • life skills advice (expected 8 sessions in different locations);
  • carnival, harvest and May Day programmes;
  • community-building events and cross-border themed excursions.

TOTAL: EUR 154.210,6



Professional coordination of 3 trainings (IT skills, cultivating traditions, intergenerational dialogue),

3 life-coaching consultations and provision of experts

2 sessions for volunteering and intergenerational dialogue – providing a coordinator and a moderator

4 community building events (excursions, organization of clubs about a specific topic)

Some acquisitions of equipment related to the above

Personnel costs (management)

Tourism and Cultural Association of Bernecebarát (BTKE)

Acquisition of equipment related to the cultivation of traditions training, 

Personnel costs (management)

Ipoly Cultural and Tourist Society (IKTT)

Acquisition of equipment related to the 2 sessions for volunteering and intergenerational dialogue

Procurement of tools and raw materials for handicrafts

Personnel costs (management)

Dunakanyar Ipoly Börzsöny Területfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft. (D.I.B)

Development of IT skills, acquisition of equipment and professional services for 8 sessions each 6 times 2 hours

Life management consultancy services

Personnel costs (management)

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